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Solar Panel Scams: Protect Yourself from Deceptive Practices

Solar energy is gaining traction as a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to traditional power sources. As more homeowners and businesses embrace solar panel installations, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential risks posed by unscrupulous individuals seeking to exploit this growing market. Many good installers exist in the U.S. solar market. However, like all industries, there are some companies in solar markets that scam their customers, who are looking to transition toward sustainable renewable energy. That’s why it is important to choose solar on the basis of proper research, comparing quotes, and vetting the company you use. Going solar can reduce your carbon footprint as well as your energy costs. However, the benefits of solar energy also make the residential solar industry ripe for solar panel scams.

Moreover, solar panel scammers utilize tactics like the desire to save money while reducing your carbon footprint to mislead homeowners into making quick decisions based on incomplete or inaccurate information. However, just because there are dishonest companies in the solar industry, it does not justify that the entire industry is a scam. This article will shed light on solar panel scams and provide valuable insights on how to safeguard yourself from falling victim to deceptive practices.

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Important Points To Remember:

  • Solar panel scams refer to fraudulent practices or deceptive schemes that target individuals or businesses interested in installing solar panels.
  • Scammers often employ aggressive sales tactics, claiming to offer discounted prices, affordable deals, or limited-time offers to pressure customers into making hasty decisions.
  • Scammers might make extravagant claims about the financial benefits of solar energy.
  • Be cautious of unsolicited phone calls or doorstep visits offering solar panel installations.
  • Scammers may use solar panel installations as a cover to collect personal information from customers, including Social Security numbers and financial details, for identity theft purposes.
  • Ensure that the contract includes comprehensive details about equipment, warranties, maintenance, and financing options.

What Are Solar Panel Scams?

Merriam-Webster describes scams as fraudulent or deceptive acts or operations. Solar panel scams refer to fraudulent practices or deceptive schemes that target individuals or businesses interested in installing solar panels. These scams are designed to exploit the growing popularity of solar energy and take advantage of people’s desire to adopt renewable energy solutions. However, scammers aim to defraud unsuspecting customers by making false promises, offering substandard products or services, or using high-pressure sales tactics.

What are Common Types of Solar Panel Scams?

In order to become informed shoppers and evade the chance of scamming you need to look out for certain things. Furthermore, solar panel scammers can take various forms, and understanding their tactics is essential to avoid becoming a target. Here are some prevalent scams to watch out for:

Phony Installers:

Scammers may pose as legitimate solar panel installers, either by impersonating reputable companies or creating their own fraudulent businesses. They often employ aggressive sales tactics, claiming to offer discounted prices, affordable deals, or limited-time offers to pressurize customers into making hasty decisions. They do not provide sufficient information or time for research to homeowners as well.

False Promises:

Scammers might make extravagant claims about the financial benefits of solar energy. They might guarantee excessive savings or exaggerate government incentives and tax credits to entice customers. These claims are often aimed at enticing customers into making impulsive decisions. These promises are often too good to be true and are aimed at persuading individuals to sign contracts without conducting proper research.

Upfront Payment Requests:

Reputable solar panel companies like Solar SME typically offer various financing options or allow customers to pay after installation. However, scammers may demand large upfront payments before delivering or installing the solar panels. Once they receive the payment, they may disappear without providing any products or services.

Misrepresentation of Equipment:

Some scammers may use substandard or counterfeit solar panels, misrepresenting them as high-quality and efficient. Thus, these panels may not deliver the promised energy output and can lead to significant financial losses for customers.

Unscrupulous Contracts:

Scammers may use misleading or confusing contracts that contain hidden fees, undisclosed terms, or unfavorable conditions. Often times customers that do not thoroughly read or understand the contract before signing it become a victim of these false tactics. Hence, trapping them into unfavorable agreements.

Identity Theft:

In some cases, scammers may use solar panel installations as a cover to collect personal information from customers, including Social Security numbers and financial details, for identity theft purposes. Therefore, it is crucial to verify the legitimacy of any company before sharing sensitive information.

What are the Prevalent Red Flags of Solar Panel Scams?

To further protect yourself from solar panel scams, it is essential to be aware of common red flags that may indicate fraudulent practices. Here are some warning signs to watch out for:

Unsolicited Calls or Door-to-Door Sales:

Be cautious of unsolicited phone calls or doorstep visits offering solar panel installations. Reputable companies like Solar SME typically don’t engage in aggressive marketing tactics without prior contact.

Unrealistic Savings Projections:

If a solar panel installer promises savings that seem too good to be true or significantly higher than industry averages, exercise caution. Scammers may inflate potential savings to entice customers into making decisions without prior thorough research.

 Lack of Transparency:

Legitimate solar panel companies like Solar SME will provide detailed information about the equipment, installation process, warranties, and financing options. However, if a company is reluctant to provide clear and transparent answers to your questions or avoids discussing important details, it could be a sign of potential fraud.

Poor Online Presence or Negative Reviews:

Conduct online research to check the company’s website, social media profiles, and online reviews. A lack of online presence or a pattern of negative reviews and complaints should raise concerns about the company’s credibility and legitimacy.

Pressure to Sign Contracts Immediately:

Scammers often use high-pressure tactics to rush customers into signing contracts without giving them adequate time to review and consider their options. However, reputable installers like Solar SME will encourage customers to take their time, ask questions, and seek additional information before committing to a contract.

Lack of Proper Documentation:

Legitimate solar PV modules companies will provide detailed and comprehensive contracts, warranties, and other necessary documentation. If a company fails to provide proper paperwork or tries to avoid documentation, it is a clear indication of potentially fraudulent activity.

Recommendations to Protect Yourself from Scammers:

Protecting yourself from solar panel scams requires diligence and knowledge. Here are some crucial tips to consider:

Research the Company:

Before engaging with any solar panel installation company, thoroughly research their background, reputation, and customer reviews. Legitimate businesses will have a solid online presence, certifications, and positive feedback from satisfied customers.

Seek Multiple Quotes:

Obtain quotes from multiple solar array installation providers to compare prices, services, and warranty offers. Moreover, be cautious if a quote seems too good to be true or significantly lower than others, as it could be a red flag for potential scams.

Verify Credentials:

Confirm that the company and its employees are properly licensed, insured, and certified. Reputable installers should readily provide documentation upon request, ensuring compliance with local regulations and industry standards.

Read Contracts Carefully:

Take the time to read and understand all contract terms and conditions before signing. Ensure that the agreement includes comprehensive details about equipment, warranties, maintenance, and financing options. If something seems unclear or questionable, seek legal advice or consult an expert.

Don't Get Pressurized:

Be wary of high-pressure sales tactics that push for immediate decisions. Reputable installers will provide ample time for research, deliberation, and comparison. Similarly, take your time to make an informed choice that aligns with your needs and financial situation.

 Report Suspicious Activity:

If you encounter or suspect a solar panel scam, report it to your local consumer protection agency, the Better Business Bureau (BBB), or the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). By doing so, you will contribute to protecting others from falling victim to fraudulent schemes.

Why Solar Education is Important?

To protect yourself from scams, it is crucial to educate yourself about solar energy and the installation process. Understanding the basics of solar panels, their components, energy generation, and financial incentives will empower you to make informed decisions and identify any suspicious claims or practices.

Learn About Solar Panel Technology:

Familiarize yourself with the different types of solar panels, their efficiency ratings, and how they convert sunlight into electricity. Similarly, this knowledge will help you evaluate and compare the quality of solar panels offered by different companies.

Understand Financial Incentives and Rebates:

Research government incentives, tax credits, and rebates available for solar panel installations in your region. However, understanding these financial benefits will enable you to assess whether a company’s claims align with existing programs and regulations.

Evaluate Potential Savings:

Use online solar calculators or consult with reputable solar panel companies like Solar SME to estimate potential savings based on your location, energy consumption, and solar PV module size. This will eventually help you determine if the savings projections presented by installers are realistic or exaggerated.

Stay Updated on Industry Standards:

Follow reputable industry publications, websites, and forums to stay informed about the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in the solar energy industry. Besides, this knowledge will help you assess the credibility of information provided by installers.

What are Legitimate Ways to Save Money from Solar Energy?

Solar energy can provide legitimate ways to save money, including reducing or eliminating monthly electric bills. By installing solar panels, you can generate your own electricity, which can significantly decrease your reliance on grid power and subsequently lower your monthly utility bills. However, the amount of savings will depend on factors such as your energy consumption and the size of the solar system you install.

Moreover, there are potential financial incentives available for solar energy systems. One such incentive is the federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which currently stands at 30% of the total cost of solar installation. However, it is important to note that tax credits are not guaranteed, and consulting with a tax professional is recommended to understand the specific details and eligibility requirements.

Additionally, some states offer rebates or refunds for installing solar panels, further reducing the upfront cost of the system. Net metering is another beneficial program offered by many utility companies. This will allow you to earn credits for excess solar energy generated that you don’t use. These credits can then be used to offset future energy bills, providing additional savings.

It is worth mentioning that the overall savings from solar energy will vary depending on individual circumstances and factors. These factors may include location, system size, available incentives, and energy consumption patterns. However, to get a more accurate estimate of potential savings, it is advisable to consult with a reputable solar installer like Solar SME who can assess your specific situation and provide a customized analysis.


As solar energy continues to transform the energy landscape, it is essential to remain vigilant against solar panel scams. By familiarizing yourself with common tactics, recognizing red flags, and implementing the recommended protective measures, you can confidently navigate the market and ensure a positive experience with solar panel installations.

Remember, research is key. Thoroughly vet potential solar panel installation companies, seek multiple quotes, verify credentials, and carefully review contracts before making any commitments. Stay informed about solar panel technology, financial incentives, and industry standards to make informed decisions and protect yourself from deceptive practices.

Moreover, if you encounter or suspect a solar panel scam, report it to the appropriate authorities and organizations. By sharing your experience, you can contribute to protecting others from falling victim to fraudulent schemes. Embrace the benefits of solar energy responsibly and enjoy the long-term rewards it brings to both your pocket and the environment while keeping fraudsters at bay.