Solar panel installation is the best way to harness solar energy into electrical power. This power can keep your household’s electrical appliances and EVs working. Solar panels can last you about twenty-five to thirty years depending upon how well you maintain your solar energy system. Since of their longevity sometimes you might face the dilemma of solar panels removal and reinstallation. Through this process, you will be able to maintain or replace the roofs and other pieces of equipment on your rooftop.
What are the main reasons of solar panels removal?
Solar panels removal and reinstallation can be expensive. So, when do you need this process, and what are the main factors to consider while performing this task? The following are some of the main reasons why solar panels removal becomes of utmost importance.
1. Maintenance or replacement of your rooftop:
Sometimes solar panels longevity outperforms your rooftop age. Shingles and tiled rooftops can last you about twenty-plus years. Without replacing the rooftop during solar PV modules installation, the chances of your solar panels outlasting your rooftops are high. To fix this issue you need to reinstall a new rooftop. For this purpose, the removal of solar panels becomes vital. Removal of solar panels will not have any effect on their efficiency rate. This process will just ensure the protection of your solar panels. Solar panels removal will also become necessary in case your rooftop needs any kind of repairs like waterproofing, cracks filling, and broken tile replacement. An expert solar panel installer is best for your PV system removal and reinstallation process. It is going to cost you a buck extra, but it is better to leave the work to the expert beforehand than to regret it later. Sometimes the roofers don’t possess the necessary knowledge so make sure to hire an expert like Solar SME.
2. Repairing your solar PV modules:
It is true that the maintenance and repair of solar panels or your rooftops can take place while still keeping the solar panels mounted on your rooftops. But sometimes it is better to remove them from the rooftop and then perform the necessary repairs. It will provide you with an extra step towards the safety of your costly solar investment. And in this way, if there is any problem with your solar panel hardware, it will also get fixed. In case you are dealing with loose or damaged rooftop mounting brackets, you might want to remove the solar panels. And once the mounts are fixed or replaced, the solar panels can be secured properly on the mounting brackets. This additional step of removing solar panels off your rooftop will also help check your entire solar PV systems thoroughly and avoid any future major damage to your systems.
3. Home repairs in and around the rooftops:
Home repairs around the rooftops can result in fallout. These fallouts can become the major source of damage to your solar PV systems. For example, when you are working with satellites, trees, electrical wires, the attic, and your HVAC systems, it can result in fallouts. In these scenarios, it is better to remove your solar PV modules to avoid any future damage. Because no doubt that solar panels can get a little pricey to replace.
4. Relocating homes:
If you are moving homes and want to relocate your solar PV systems along with you. Then the process of removing and reinstalling solar panels might come in handy. It can help you relocate your solar panel systems. In this way, you don’t need to spend all over again on solar panels at your new home. Make sure to outsource this job to professional solar panel handlers, like Solar SME. This will make your relocation journey as smooth as possible.
Can I remove and reinstall solar panels on my own?
You might think that you are capable enough to perform this task. But there are certain reasons why you may not want to consider this option.
1. Nullification of contract and warranties:
If you try to remove and reinstall solar panels on your own, the chances of your solar panels’ contract getting null and void are pretty high. Your solar installer might not help you make claim for any future damages to solar panels. So, it is better to leave the expert work to the experienced installers.
2. Not have enough or necessary equipment:
Solar PV modules are complex systems with a lot of wiring, charge controller, inverters, and electrical connections. To remove or reinstall solar panels, in most cases, the homeowners do not have specialized equipment to do the job. Eventually, they end up doing more damage to solar panel systems than repairing them.
3. Permit requirement:
Solar panels removal and reinstallation is not a random bulb in your household that you can change easily. The handling of solar panel systems is a complex process that requires a special permit. This permit is necessary because your rooftop solar panels are connected to the electric grid. Therefore, a professional licensed installer will be able to help you expedite the permit. A professional solar company, like Solar SME, can help you successfully in removing and reinstalling solar panels.
4. How do the removal and reinstalling of solar panels take place?
The process of detachment of solar panels from the rooftops is quite simple. The detachment process takes place prior to any roof repair, replacement, and work around the solar panels. First step is conduit removal then follow up by the panels and racking removal. Once the roofing or the work around the roof is complete then the professional team, like Solar SME, will install back the solar panel system and turn it back on. They will make sure that the solar panel system works just like before their removal.
What factors to consider while removing and reinstalling solar panels?
Removing and reinstalling solar panels are not difficult, but it is quite a complex process. Before starting this process, it is better to make sure that you are checking all the boxes. These are some of the factors that you might want to dive into before starting the removal and reinstallation process of solar panels.
1. Warranty:
You need to look for your workmanship warranty before hiring a crew. It is better to hire the same company which you approached before for solar panel installation. Otherwise, if you contact a different company or hire an inexperienced crew, it will result in the termination of your warranty. Also, make sure to read the warranty policies carefully before the removal of your solar panels from the rooftop.
2. Cost:
The cost for the removal of solar panels depends upon the company you hire for this purpose. But several other factors can also impact the cost of removal and reinstallation of solar panels which includes:
i. Roof conditions:
If you are dealing with minor repairs, then it is going to cost less. But if you want to reinstall the whole roof again or want to replace the roofing material to maximize the energy efficiency of your rooftops, it is going to cost you a lot more than a few extra bucks.
ii. Solar Panel condition:
If your solar panel system is not producing energy as it was before then your installer might recommend that you replace your current solar panel system. This eventually means an extra cost to your total budget. In case, if the solar panels need shipment to some storage facility to make room for the roof repairs, the homeowners need to pay for that extra shipping cost too.
iii. Solar Accessories conditions:
If some other solar accessories like inverters, mounts, and racking systems are too old then their replacement becomes a necessary task. In the same way, some hardware cannot be replaced without damaging them. Therefore, their replacement cost might add up to increase your total cost.
iv. Weather patterns:
It is less costly to replace or repair your rooftops when the weather is clear. But if you want your roof repairs urgently then you have to pay extra for that service. For example, if your roof is leaking extensively during the rainy season and you want to get it fix as soon as possible, you might have to pay extra for that harsh weather condition as well.
v. Location of your home:
In the same way, if the layout of your home is unusual then to guarantee the safety of workers and the equipment, you will have to pay some extra cash to avoid any catastrophe to happen. Extra labor and equipment is needed to safely remove and reinstall solar panels from slanting rooftop than a flat rooftop. Hence hiking up the price of the whole process.
3. Expertise:
It is important to check for the expertise of the company that you will be hiring for the job. These companies will help you gain access to permits and will not damage the warranty of your solar panels. However, if the handlers are inexperienced, they can cause damage to your solar panels while their removal process from your rooftop.
How long the removal and reinstallation of the solar panel systems can take?
Mostly the removal and reinstallation of solar panels require two days maximum, with removal taking one day and reinstallation acquiring one day. The rest depends upon the repair timing of your rooftop or if you are relocating solar panels to some other location then the time of relocation will also add up to the total time process of reinstallation. But if you are not dealing with the major repairs then it takes about a total of three days’ tops for the removal and reinstallation of solar panels. It is better to consult the total timing process with your hired installer to make sure the timely installation of your solar panels back on your rooftop.
What are some problems with hiring an inexperienced installer?
It is not bad to be too cautious when dealing with solar PV systems. They are not a cheap investment, to begin with. Thus, while removing solar panels it is always better to ask for a licensed installer from the best rate company. In case if you let an inexperienced worker handle your solar PV modules, it might lead to the following problems:
- It can lead to the termination of your warranty with your solar panel company. Solar panel hardware is expensive. In case the inexperienced installer breaks the components then customer will be responsible for the damage, and he/she has to pay for it on their own.
- The installer might not have enough skills to do the job and might not be able to plug the system back in as it was before.
- The inexperienced installer can create electrical hazards since they do not possess the basic expertise. This can eventually lead to the costly repairs and in the worst scenario the risk of fire.
What is the process of removal and reinstallation?
The process usually starts with a home site visit. Through the visit, the installer can give you an estimated timeline and the total cost for the solar panel work, as well as the time needed for the roofing work. Afterward, the removal and storage step come into the process. For the removal part, an experienced technician is needed to carefully unmount the solar panels from your rooftop.
After the removal of solar panels, the repair stage kicks into motion. It can take about one to three days depending upon the nature and extent of repairs requirement of your rooftop. Finally, the reinstallation of solar panels takes place, after all the hassle, which is then followed by the review of the system. The review of the system is done to make sure that all the electrical connections are plugged right and that the system is running as smoothly as it was before the removal process.
How to find an experienced crew to remove and reinstall solar panels?
Try to look for the reviews section of the company that you are hiring, this way you will get a bird’s eye view of the work ethic and the experience of the company. The next step is to ask for the license. If they are a reputable company, they are most likely certified. This is a pretty good sign that you are dealing with a professional company, and they know how to properly handle and replace solar PV modules. With Solar SME you will be able to receive the top-notch coordinator service that will guide you through every step. We have highly experienced staff who know how to properly handle the process without causing any damage to your rooftop.
In conclusion, removing and reinstalling solar panels can be a daunting task. But with proper preparation and careful execution, it can be done safely and efficiently. If you are unsure about any aspect of the process, it is always best to consult a certified solar installer to ensure everything is done correctly.
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Yes, solar panel system removal is as easy as their installation. You can remove them with the help of a professional installer company. If you try to remove them yourself then the chances of damaging your solar panels or their hardware gets higher. Which eventually ends up costing you more than hiring some professional company.
Absolutely, you can remove the solar panels from your rooftop without damaging the roofing material or the solar panels at any given time. The key is to implement proper safety measures and hire a professional installer company, like Solar SME. These professional installers will unmount and unplug the solar panels from the connecting wires. Later on, will plug them back in after your rooftop repairs. As long as you follow the proper guidelines then the removal of solar panels can take place without causing any damage to your rooftops.
Solar panel cost can depend upon various factors like the condition of your rooftop, the condition of your solar panel and hardware, weather pattern, and the area and layout of your home. But the rough estimation of solar panels removal is that it can cost you anywhere between $ 2,000 to $ 2,400. The per-hour rate to remove and replace a single solar panel is $ 100. It can cost about $1,800 to $2,100 to remove and replace the old system and $ 18,000 to $ 33,700 to remove and replace the old solar panel system with a new one.