Solar Unmounting and Reinstallation Services

Experience hassle-free solar removals,

relocations and upgrades

At SolarSME, we understand the importance of offering all solar services, including removal and remounting services. Our solar unmounting and reinstallation services are designed to cater to your needs, providing solutions that evolve with your energy needs. That includes removing a solar array for a real estate sale or to fix a roof before remounting them, moving a solar system from one location to another, removing an older solar array to install a new, more efficient one, or for any other reason. We make those transitions as quick and painless as possible for our residential and business customers.

Why Choose SolarSME for Solar Unmounting and Reinstallation?

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Our skilled technicians specialize in both solar panel installation and removal. With years of experience in the solar industry, we guarantee a professional and efficient service tailored to your specific needs.

Relocation Services

Whether you’re moving to a new home or expanding your existing solar installation, SolarSME offers comprehensive relocation services. We handle the entire process, ensuring that your solar panels are carefully unmounted, transported, and reinstalled with precision.


Upgrading Technology

Our Solar Unmounting/Reinstall Service allows you to stay at the forefront of solar technology when upgrading your solar panels or other components. With these services we quickly integrate the latest advancements into your system, designed to enhance your system’s efficiency and performance.

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Quality Assurance

SolarSME prioritizes quality and reliability. Our service includes a detailed inspection of your solar panels, ensuring that they meet industry standards and are in optimal condition before and after the unmounting and reinstallation process.

Possible Reasons for Solar Panel Removal and Reinstallation

We recognize that there are various situations where the removal and reinstallation of solar panels become necessary. Our Solar Unmounting and Reinstall Services are designed to address a range of scenarios, ensuring a smooth and efficient process customized to your specific needs. These are among the situations where SolarSME shines as a trusted partner for unmounting and reinstalling solar systems.

Roof Maintenance or Repair

Solar Unmounting

If your roof requires significant maintenance or repair work, you may need to temporarily remove solar panels. SolarSME provides professional unmounting services, ensuring the solar panels and mounting equipment are safely removed and securely stored during roof maintenance. We then reinstall them with precision after the repairs are completed.

Home Renovation or Remodeling

Solar Unmounting

Planning a home renovation or remodeling project? You may need to temporarily remove your solar panels to accommodate the construction work to ensure their protection and a safe working environment for the remodelers. We work in coordination with your renovation schedule to minimize disruptions and reinstall or relocate your system once the new work is complete.

Relocation to a New Home


Moving and want to take your solar panels with you? SolarSME can relocate solar installations to new locations, ensuring you’ll get the same high-performance out of your system at your new location. Our team will conduct a thorough assessment of the new site, carefully unmount the solar panels at the existing location, transport them to the new site, and expertly reinstall them at the new site for optimal performance.

System Upgrades and Expansion


Upgrading your solar energy system with new technology or expanding its capacity? Our experienced technicians handle the entire upgrade process, including the removal of existing panels and components, integration of new components, and meticulous installation of the new panels and components to ensure optimal system performance.

No matter the situation, SolarSME is your trusted partner for solar panel removal and reinstallation. Our expert team addresses each unique scenario with professionalism and efficiency.

Contact us to discuss your specific needs and let SolarSME guide you through a solar panel unmounting/reinstall process that makes it effortless for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does removing solar panels damage roof?

Removing solar panels can potentially cause damage to a roof if not done carefully. Improper installation or removal may lead to leaks, structural issues, or shingle damage. It's important to hire professionals with experience in solar panel installation and removal to minimize the risk of harming the roof during the process.

Can solar panels be reused?

Yes, solar panels can be removed and reused if handled properly. Careful dismantling, transportation, and reinstallation by experienced professionals help ensure the panels remain functional. However, compatibility with newer systems and technology advancements may influence the decision to reuse or upgrade panels.

How long does it take to remove solar panels from roof?

The time to remove solar panels from a roof varies based on factors like system size and complexity. On average, a professional installation team can complete the removal process in one to three days. Larger installations or challenging roof configurations may extend the timeframe.

Can you remove and reinstall solar panels yourself?

Removing and reinstalling solar panels yourself is not recommended unless you have expertise in solar installations. It involves electrical work, roof integrity considerations, and system reconfiguration. Professional installers ensure safety, compliance, and proper handling, reducing the risk of damage to both the panels and the roof.

Can solar panels be removed once installed?

Yes, solar panels can be removed once installed. However, it's a complex task that should be handled by professionals. Improper removal can lead to damage to the panels, the roof, or the electrical components. Professional expertise is crucial to ensure a safe and effective removal process.