SolarSME-Community Solar Farms

Choose SolarSME for Your Community Solar Farm Projects| SolarSME

Turnkey Solar Farm Projects Made Easy by SolarSME

From planning to development to selling shares and ongoing maintenance, SolarSME is your community solar Farm partner

Why Consider a Community Solar Farm?

What are Community Solar Farms?

Community solar farms are ideally located solar projects that allow people and businesses access to clean, renewable electricity that they otherwise couldn’t get. Also, community solar farm reduces the cost of going solar for their subscribers by accessing economies of scale, much like utility-scale projects do.

Furthermore, utilities across the US are adding in giant, utility-scale solar farms or projects and adding them into their overall energy mix, which is good. But community solar farms allow people to own or directly benefit from investing in a solar project by sourcing their electricity from that solar farm.

Moreover, Community solar farms put electricity on the electric grid and allow renters, condo owners, low-income people, business owners with little or no roof space, and others to benefit through their investment in or subscription to the solar project. In exchange, the power produced by the solar farm and put on the grid is credited to each subscriber’s electric bill based on how much their portion of the project produces.

Community Solar Farm

Who Benefits From Community Solar Farms?

The whole region that the community solar is designed to benefit. This could be a city or county depending on population and needs.

The project itself will benefit its subscribers and investors. Like a rooftop solar system, a community solar farm can allow subscribers to essentially lock in their energy rate for a long period rather than be subject to the rising costs of electricity from the utility.

Community solar farms are an ideal way for a renter, homeowner with a north-facing roof, condo owner or business to go solar without having access to a lot of space to install solar. Also, many community solar projects are designed to benefit low and middle-income people who can’t afford to install solar as well.

Where are Community Solar Farms Located?

Where it makes the most sense. For instance, a community solar farm could be developed on a brownfield site, like a former dump or industrial site, that isn’t suited for residential or business development. Also, areas where site developers don’t have to cut down trees, or take valuable acreage away from farms or ranches.

Solar Farms

SolarSME’s Solar Farm Offerings

SolarSME Delivers Turnkey Community Solar Farm Projects

When considering a community solar farm there are a myriad of things to consider. SolarSME can handle all of them, delivering you a turnkey solar farm with subscribers as well as ongoing operations and maintenance offerings.

From Siting a Project to Commissioning and Selling it, SolarSME is Your Partner

SolarSME is an ideal partner for a community solar project. With decades of solar installation experience, we understand how to develop a turnkey solar farm from start to finish.

Initially, our process starts with understanding your community’s solar needs, considering site locations, acquiring land, designing the systems, and choosing appropriate mounting options. Moreover,  we also work with local governments and utilities to harness the power of grants and other incentives to bring down the costs of installing and operating the solar farm.

From there we work with investors to finance the solar farm and develop an appropriate subscriber plan and power purchase agreements for subscribers. We also work with you to begin selling shares in the system to commercial and residential customers. SolarSME’s professionals install and commission the solar system, delivering you a solar farm that’s ready to generate power for its subscribers for decades.

ideal partner for a community solar project

Developing Properly Sized Community Solar Farms

SolarSME helps community solar farm project owners develop appropriately sized facilities for their community’s needs. As such the majority of community solar projects we design and build are between 1 megawatt and 5 MWs.

A 1 MW project can power up to about 170 homes on average, according to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). The majority of community solar projects SolarSME develops will need between 100 and 850 subscribers—depending on how many homes and businesses are expected to subscribe. 

Community Solar Farms

Providing Ongoing Maintenance and Operations

Operating at peak performance is essential to improving the return on investment for a community solar farm. As such, SolarSME offers ongoing operation and maintenance services to ensure your community solar farm will last for 25 or more years.

These services include energy production monitoring, panel cleaning, component maintenance and replacement, and more.

investment for a community solar farm

Reach out to SolarSME to learn more about how we can take your community solar farm from a dream to a completed project today 

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