Solar SME, Inc.


Never Lose Power with Solar + Battery Storage!


Why Battery Storage System is Important?

Battery Storage Energy Independence

Energy Independence

  • Break free from traditional energy sources and gain control over your power supply.
  • Store excess energy from renewable sources like solar panels, ensuring a reliable and independent energy source

Grid Resilience

  • Ensure uninterrupted power during grid outages with a reliable backup energy source.
  • Contribute to a more robust and resilient energy infrastructure by stabilizing the grid during peak demand
    or disruptions.

Cost Savings

  • Optimize energy consumption by storing electricity during low-cost periods and using it during peak hours.
  • Sell surplus energy back to the grid, turning your battery into a revenue-generating asset and reducing
    overall energy costs.

Environmental Impact:

  • Play a vital role in reducing carbon emissions by storing clean energy from renewable sources.
  • Contribute to a greener planet by minimizing reliance on fossil fuels and supporting sustainable energy practices

Emergency Preparedness:

  • Ensure your home or business stays powered during emergencies and natural disasters.
  • Keep essential devices and appliances running, providing comfort and safety when the grid is

Stay Bright during Power Outages with Solar + Battery Storage

Pair your home solar panel system with backup battery storage and eliminate darkness during long power outages. Furthermore, in winter, every year, a huge community is impacted by blackouts due to storms snow, and other natural disasters in the United States.
Also, with Solar Battery Backup, besides saving more excessive power during the day, you can keep your home lightened even in long power outages. Become grid-independent and save Big on your high electric bills with a Solar + Battery Storage Solution.

Top 5 Benefits of the Solar + Battery Storage System

As the world gravitates towards sustainable living, the Solar + Battery Storage System emerges as a beacon of eco-conscious energy management. The advantages of the Home Energy System includes

Battery Storage 5 benefits


Clean, Renewable Energy Harvesting:

Tap into the Power of the Sun

  • Generate clean, renewable energy from the abundant source of sunlight.
  • Reduce reliance on fossil fuels and contribute to the global shift towards a greener energy landscape.



Energy Independence and Grid Resilience

Unplug from the Grid

  • Achieve energy autonomy by storing excess solar energy in batteries for later use.
  • Ensure a continuous power supply, even during grid outages, enhancing resilience and reliability.


Cost Savings and Return on Investment:

Savings That Shine

  • Lower utility bills by generating your own energy and storing excess for later use.
  • Experience a quicker return on investment with potential government incentives and reduced reliance on traditional power sources.


Reduced Environmental Impact:

Lightening Your Carbon Footprint

  • Significantly decrease carbon emissions by utilizing clean energy sources.
  • Contribute to a healthier planet by minimizing your environmental impact and combatting climate change.


Smart Energy Management and Control:

Efficiency at Your Fingertips

  • Leverage smart technologies to monitor and control your energy consumption
  • Optimize energy usage, reduce waste, and enhance overall efficiency through intelligent, automated systems.

How does a Solar Battery work?

A solar battery for home working depends upon the coupling of the solar power system of your home.

In the case of AC-Coupled System:

Solar panels absorb sunlight, transform it into DC power, and sent it to the inverter. The solar inverter then converts DC to AC. The excessive energy again converts into DC and store in a backup battery. In case of a Power Outage, the Battery flows the power to the inverter and then lightens up home.

In the case of a DC-Coupled System:

Panels absorb sunlight and transform it into DC power. The power then flows into a solar backup battery. From the battery, it flows into the inverter, and this AC power lightens up the home.

Battery Storage Solar Battery Work

Best Battery Storage
Options For Your Home


Solar SME is proud to be the partner of industry-leading brands for providing premium quality and efficient solar solutions to customers. We
help you to choose the best fit, affordable, and efficient solar + battery storage for your home.


The Residential Energy Storage Unit (RESU) batteries from LG Chem are innovative solar battery that provides homes energy storage and backup power. They are designed to work together with a residential solar system and to be charged and discharged by connecting directly to a storage-ready solar inverter. As LG Chem batteries are made up of lithium-ion battery cells that’s why they last for a very long time and can be discharged almost to their full capacity every day.RESU prime batteries can retain 70% after 10 years.

Battery Storage LG CHEM RESU
Solax Solar Battery Storage System

SolaX offers complete support for high-efficiency, high-power solar modules in its high-efficiency home photovoltaic power station systems. Mppt can simply operate heat pumps and other smart loads, boost photovoltaic energy production, and manage electricity expenses. Provide users access to green, intelligent energy whenever, anyplace.

Battery Storage Solax
Panasonic EverVolt

Make the most of your solar investment and maximize the energy independence of your home with Panasonic EverVolt battery solutions. A Pansonic backup battery storage system combines seamlessly with PV solar system to make a Total Home Solar Energy System. EverVolt batteries enable homes to produce and store plenty of clean energy. EverVolt is adaptable to both AC and DC coupling which makes it compatible with both new and old solar panel systems. This solar battery can operate as a standalone battery-ready solar inverter. Also, Panasonic offers a complete 10 years warranty on this backup storage.

Enphase Encharge

An Enphase Encharge home battery system claims to be the Only All-in-One AC-coupled storage system. Enphase Encharge storage uses energy technologies that ensure a reliable, safe, and powerful solution for homeowners desiring to power up homes in outages. The battery backup provides power when the grid is down and saves you money when the grid is working. Enphase claimsa 10 Year Warranty to the customers on its Encharge range.

Battery Storage Enphase
Generac PWRcell

Generac PWRcell Solar + Battery Storage is the complete solar energy system for your home. This home solar battery storage system has all the capacity to fulfill your home energy needs. With Generac PWRcell you not only save on your high electricity bills but this battery backup system power up your home when the grid is down. Having up to 9kW backup capacity and load management ability, PWRcell is the leading solar backup storage in the market.

Battery Storage generac
Tesla Powerwall

Generac PWRcell Solar + Battery Storage is the complete solar energy system for your home. This home solar battery storage system has all the capacity to fulfill your home energy needs. With Generac PWRcell you not only save on your high electricity bills but this battery backup system power up your home when the grid is down. Having up to 9kW backup capacity and load management ability, PWRcell is the leading solar backup storage in the market.

Battery Storage Tesla
Franklin Battery Storage

Franklin Whole Home, also known as FrankinWH, is a new player in the U.S. home energy storage market. It might become a well-known name soon. Right now, the company has one energy storage system called the Franklin Home Power system, or FHP. It’s gaining a lot of attention in both the industry and the market. People are noticing it for its uniqueness. Keep an eye on Franklin Whole Home because it could soon be a name you hear in many households.

EG4 Battery Solution

EG4 Battery Storage system combines efficiency and sustainability to empower your home or business. With advanced lithium-ion technology, the EG4 ensures reliable energy storage, optimizing your renewable energy sources. Experience uninterrupted power supply during peak demand or outages, while reducing your carbon footprint. Its sleek design and user-friendly interface make it seamlessly integrate into any environment. Benefit from intelligent energy management, cost savings, and contribute to a greener future. Choose EG4 Battery Storage for a reliable, eco-friendly solution that transforms the way you harness and consume energy.

Fox ESS Battery Storage System

EG4 Battery Storage system combines efficiency and sustainability to empower your home or business. With advanced lithium-ion technology, the EG4 ensures reliable energy storage, optimizing your renewable energy sources. Experience uninterrupted power supply during peak demand or outages, while reducing your carbon footprint. Its sleek design and user-friendly interface make it seamlessly integrate into any environment. Benefit from intelligent energy management, cost savings, and contribute to a greener future. Choose EG4 Battery Storage for a reliable, eco-friendly solution that transforms the way you harness and consume energy.

Frequently Asked Questions
Is it worth having battery storage?

Investing in battery storage can be worthwhile for several reasons. It enhances energy independence by storing excess power generated from renewable sources. Also, it provides backup during outages, and allows users to take advantage of off-peak electricity rates. Additionally, it contributes to a more sustainable and resilient energy.

How many batteries do you need to power a house?

The number of batteries required to power a house depends on various factors, including energy consumption, usage patterns, and the capacity of the batteries. A typical home may need several batteries connected in a system to ensure a continuous power supply during periods of high demand or grid outages.

What is the life expectancy of a solar battery?

The life expectancy of a solar battery varies based on factors such as technology, usage, and maintenance. Generally, lithium-ion batteries commonly used in solar systems have a lifespan of 10-15 years, with some newer models reaching up to 20 years. Regular maintenance and proper usage can contribute to extended battery life.

Do solar batteries last all night?

Solar batteries are designed to store excess energy generated during the day for use at night, making it possible for solar systems to provide power continuously. However, the duration a solar battery lasts through the night depends on factors like battery capacity, energy consumption, and the efficiency of the overall system.

Do solar batteries work in winter?

Yes, solar batteries can work in winter. Modern battery systems are designed to function in winter conditions. It's essential to consider the specific battery technology and ensure proper installation and maintenance for optimal performance.