Bidirectional Charging: Is it Worth it to Invest in EV Chargers?

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Last Updated on July 23, 2024 by Amber Lapez

Bidirectional Charging: Is it Worth it to Invest in EV Chargers?

What if your car can power your home in blackouts or supply excess energy to the grid during peak hours, earning you credits or money off your electricity bill? It is possible with an EV capability of bidirectional charging! The advancement of electric car technology is moving us closer to a gas-free future. Continuous improvements in battery capacity and charging effectiveness increase the viability of EVs. This constant development indicates an obvious all-EV future in which powerful batteries and effective charging will replace conventional gas-powered vehicles, completely changing transportation sources.

EV Chargers

In this article, you will learn how bidirectional charging works and how it is beneficial for EV owners in terms of potential savings and achieving energy efficiency.

What is bidirectional charging?

A bidirectional charger is an advanced type of EV charger. Unlike a unidirectional charger that converts AC to DC to charge the vehicle, bidirectional charging involves a complex power conversion process.

Bidirectional chargers function similarly to inverters, converting AC to DC during charging and DC back to AC during discharging. However, these chargers are only compatible with cars made to support two-way DC charging. One prominent EV example is the Nissan Leaf from the latter model line. The bidirectional energy flow requires complex power conversion equipment, which drives up the cost of these chargers compared to standard EV chargers.

These EV chargers come with equipment to control electrical loads and separate a home from the grid during blackouts to give power to a residence. This technique is known as islanding. This assures that the EV battery’s stored energy will be sufficient to power the house during a power outage. Bidirectional inverters, which provide reliable energy for home battery storage systems, work on the same basic idea as bidirectional EV chargers.

What are the different types of bidirectional charging?

The two primary functions of bidirectional chargers include the energy flow in Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) and Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G).

Vehicle-to-Grid – V2G

With vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology, a small amount of EV battery energy is sent to the grid when needed. However, the EV must be compatible and has a bidirectional DC charger. By taking part in V2G programs, owners can receive credits or save money on electricity. To help in grid stabilization and supply electricity at times of high demand, these EVs can also participate in virtual power plants (VPPs). Right now, a few EVs are functional with V2G, such as the Mitsubishi Outlander or Eclipse plug-in hybrids and the Nissan Leaf (ZE1).

However, regulators have issues with V2G technology, as it lacks common standards and connectors. Like solar inverters, bidirectional chargers are regarded as an additional source of power generation and are subject to safety requirements for power outages. Some manufacturers, such as Ford, have made this simpler by developing AC bidirectional charging systems that are exclusive to their EVs and can power homes off the grid. Nissan, however, makes use of chargers that are bidirectional and universal.

Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G).

Vehicle to Home – V2H

In the Vehicle-to-Home (V2H), an electric vehicle (EV) can power a home instead of sending energy back to the grid, much like a residential battery system. This offers backup power during blackouts, particularly when combined with rooftop solar.

An energy meter (CT meter) at the main grid connection point is required for V2H to function, together with a compatible bidirectional EV charger. Energy flow to and from the grid is tracked by the CT meter. It alerts the bidirectional charger to discharge an equivalent amount from the EV battery to balance grid power when it detects that your home is consuming grid energy. Like smart EV chargers, it uses rooftop solar energy that is detected to charge the EV. The V2H system is responsible for detecting the blackout and islanding using an automated switch. As a result, the bidirectional inverter can use the EV battery to function similarly to an off-grid inverter.

Only a few EVs are compatible with V2H technology including the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV and later-model Nissan Leaf, both of which use the CHAdeMO connector.

Vehicle-to-home (V2H).

What are the benefits of bidirectional charging for EV Drivers and charging station owners?

Bidirectional charging provides EV owners with several advantages in terms of potential savings and energy efficiency by generating this two-way energy supply.

Save Money on Energy

Owners of vehicles can save money in two ways with bidirectional charging. First of all, it makes your car a reliable power source for your house or business. You can charge your car with solar or during off-peak hours by using smart charging technology. Utilities offer lower electricity rates during these periods. Your total energy expenses will reduce by using the stored energy to power your house during the day.

Second, you can resell extra energy to the utility provider by using vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology. This implies that by transferring energy from your EV battery to the grid, you can get paid or have credits applied to your utility account. University of Rochester study found that EV owners can save $120 to $150 a year with V2G chargers.

Store Backup Power for Your Home or Business

Bidirectional charging not only saves money but also offers a reliable backup power supply in outages. Vehicle-to-home (V2H) charging enables your electric vehicle (EV) battery to power your home during a power outage. Approximately 60 kilowatt-hours of electricity, or enough to power a home for two days, can be stored in an average electric car battery. Homeowners and business owners may now feel easy knowing that they will never be without power in an emergency.

Portable Power Source

You can also use your EV as a portable power source with bidirectional technology. You may travel with the same battery that runs your house. Your EV can power appliances, for instance, if you go camping or require electricity for a job site. You can even use your EV to charge someone else’s car in an emergency. Bidirectional charging is a useful feature for people who require power on the go because of its flexibility.

Which electric vehicles support bidirectional charging?

Both chargers and cars with two-way charging options are necessary for bidirectional charging. You will require a suitable car to utilize your bidirectional charger, even if it has a converter. There are not many bidirectional electric vehicles available right now. A few EVs that support bidirectional charging include:

bidirectional charging

What is the future of electric vehicles?

Bidirectional charging technology extends beyond powering cars, allowing EV batteries to supply energy to homes and the electrical grid. This capability is gaining traction among automakers and EV charging manufacturers, with many already offering it or planning to soon. Bidirectional charging works by enabling the flow of electricity both into and out of the vehicle’s battery, transforming it into a mobile energy source. This innovation can reduce electricity costs, provide backup power during outages, and support the grid during peak demand. As these benefits become more apparent, investing in bidirectional charging for homes or businesses is increasingly worthwhile.

Whether you are a homeowner or a businessman looking for the best EV charging solutions, SolarSME is here for you. We work with leading EV-charging manufacturers to meet your charging needs.

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