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What is Tesla Solar Roof Cost ?

Tesla has recently announced the cost for the solar roof, for standard and premium roofs. Notably, the cost of solar roofs varies in different states. A viable Tesla resource has revealed about design and the cost of the solar roof. If you are thinking about your home design how you can install a solar roof on your home. So then Tesla is offering its customers different designs.

“Smooth Glass Tiles”
“French Slate Glass Tiles”
“Tuscan Glass Tiles”
“Textured Glass Tiles”

Most noteworthy, Tesla has manufactured solar roofs according to the customer’s home location. Consequently, the design of solar roofs is Smooth Glass Tiles, French Slate Glass Tiles, Tuscan Glass Tiles, and Textured Glass Tiles.

Solar Panels

We have collected some details from Elon musk’s interview for an average home solar roof installation. Similarly, the roof cost is $50,900 on an 8.5KW system for 3000 square feet in California. The cost after tax credit is approximately $25,000. In the same way, the old roof installation cost is $26,030 and for the new solar roof, the cost is $50,900. Therefore, the annual production of the old solar roof is 13,000KW. And for annual production of the new solar roof is approximately 10,000 KW.

Besides, In California, $5 is the cost per square foot for an Asphalt shingle roof as well as replacement of the roof. At this rate, 1600 square foot roof space comes in total $8,000. On the size of the 1600 square foot, your PV install will cost $20,030 with a new roof that will cost $8,000. The total system cost is $34,030 in comparison with the premium price which is $50,900 for the gross cost $0.


Tesla Shingle Roof

If you are ready to get solar Shingle from Tesla, then the details for your choice are here. In the Solar shingle roof, tesla used ordinary roofing materials. Alon Musk said Updated cost for average shingle roof $2.09 per watt, not $2.85 per watt. Additionally, Tesla updates an Average 2000 square foot roof home its costs $42,500 with a 10KW system of the solar panels. If it reduces after federal tax credit cost of the system will be $33,950 on 8,550 tax returns. And the cost $3.7 per square foot and $1.99 per watt. The available offer for Tesla’s premium solar roof is 11.92 square foot and for solar panels, $1.99 per square foot. While Tesla installs the solar roof itself without the involvement of the third party for its latest model. Solar roof cost that comes up without batteries is $70,000. Overall Tesla solar roof with additional Tesla power pack batteries is available in $100,000. In particular, the cost of each one is about $5000. finally, Tesla offered 1000 square fit roofs in $85,000 for that system.

Tesla Roof

As a matter of fact, it uses solar tiles for the Tesla solar roof that is 70% active due to sun position. Furthermore, Tesla news said that Replacement of the roof will cost in $30,000. For that reason, Tesla assembled solar tiles with the toughest glass material. The cost of active solar tiles is about $42 per square foot that is cheaper than a traditional shingle. So solar panel installed on top of that roof. After the successful installation of V1 V2 solar roofs, Tesla has introduced the V3 solar roof with advance technology. It seems like Tesla V3 solar roof would available in the market in 2020.

Quality Roof

Hence the company offers Tesla solar roof V3 for 1,862 square roof homes, with the size of the system 9.45KW. Therefore, it is with Powerwall backup its Annual energy production capacity is estimated at 7,852kwh.

So, Tesla V3 solar roof cost is $38,266, including Powerwall battery $10,600, roof site repairs $8,500 and order credits is-$42,500. Thus the purchase price of the total system roof is $54,866.

The federal tax credit on that system is $10,581 on the value of energy for almost over 25years and with $51,394 Net prices over 25years. A report says Tesla solar roof V3 starts at $34,00 for an average home with 2,000 square foot roofs.

In conclusion, Tesla solar deals with a warranty for the sustainability of your houses. It estimates cost savings using the average cost of electricity in your region, plus any extra tax credits. Tesla news, a viable source said that This is an enhanced product at a marginally better price.


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