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Generac Portable Generator: A Good Backup Power Solution

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Important Points To Remember:

  • A Generac portable generator is a popular choice for providing reliable power in an emergency.
  • One of the most renowned generator brands is general, which provides generators of all sizes to meet multiple needs.
  • A Generac portable generator can run on liquid propane (LP) or the natural gas lines in your house.
  • When there is a power outage, a general home backup generator detects it, activates automatically, and supplies backup power to your house.
  • With a Generac portable generator, you can quickly and simply supply power from your portable generator to your home’s electrical panel during a power outage

What is in this article?

Nothing can compare to the convenience of having a reliable generator to power your home during blackouts. A Generac portable generator is a popular choice for providing reliable power in an emergency.

The chance that you’ll lose power to your home is rising as the weather changes—with hotter summers, colder winters, and more intense storms. It’s not surprising that sales of home generators have been rising consistently over the past few years. This is because we are dependent on power to keep our food fresh, our homes heated and cooled, and even to work.  

In case of a power loss, backup generators are a great option to supply your home with reliable, uninterrupted power. So, it’s probable you have heard of Generac Power Systems if you have been looking for a generator.

One of the most renowned generator brands is Generac, which provides generators of all sizes to meet multiple needs. Today, we’ll explore how Generac Portable Generators and other backup options help homeowners to power up their homes in outages.

About Generac: The Company Background

Generac Power Systems was established in 1959 and manufactures Craftsman portable generators. They have earned a reputation by offering some of the highest-quality generators throughout their more than 60 years in the business. From the smallest portable generators to the largest backup generators, they come in a wide range of sizes.

After going public in 2010, they are currently one of the biggest generator manufacturers in the sector. Their generators are well-known for their effectiveness and quality and are offered by retailers all over the world. They are known for generating power in various situations.

How Does a Generac Portable Generator Work?

A Generac portable generator can run on liquid propane (LP) or the natural gas lines in your house. The standby generator is usually placed outside the home. It detects the signal to turn on, just like your air conditioner. So, all you need is to sit and relax if the power goes out and wait for your appliances to start working again.

When there is a power outage, a Generac home backup generator detects it. Then, it activates automatically and supplies backup power to your house. Whether that takes two hours or two weeks, it will continue to operate until the utility power is restored.

What are the components of a Generac Portable Generator?

The engine and alternator work together to generate the electricity. The generator placement is outside in a sound-dampening, weather-shielded box. The box connects to a concrete slab (also known as a hurricane pad). The engine is commonly known as an alternator. It is powered by the fuel supply. The alternator generates the same alternating current as what is offered by your standard electric utility.

The generator is connected to the main breaker panel of the home by the Generac automated transfer switch (ATS), which is installed inside. The ATS utilizes the home’s power source, switching between utility and generator power as necessary. The switch uses utility power when the regular power is operating. It receives a signal to switch to the backup generator when there is a power loss or other problem.

The transfer switch automatically separates the home from the power lines in case of a power outage. The ATS will simply turn the generator off and switch back to ordinary power once the utility power restore.

Additionally, Generac portable generator offers an “exercise” feature that will turn on your generator and perform an “exercise” at a predetermined time and day of the week. The generator will start up for a few minutes to warm up the engine and make sure everything is functioning, then shut itself off at the designated time every week or every other week. There aren’t any transfer switches or power outages during this time.

How long does it take for Generac Portable Generator to turn on when the power goes out?

The power supply is not immediate; the generator will wait a short while to make sure the power outage is not just a brief flicker. Having said that, the generator will start its operation at full capacity in a minute or two. It would probably take you less time to find a lighter and light a candle than that.

How long can you run a Generac Portable Generator?

If your generator is using propane, it can run for as long as there is a sufficient supply of fuel. For instance, a 500-gallon tank that powers your entire house should last about a week if it runs continuously. Though, the size of the fuel tank and the number of appliances the generator is powering are the key determining factors.

If your home has a natural gas generator, it can continue to run for as long as the gas is being provided.

How loud is the Generac Portable Generator?

You don’t need to worry about the sound or going without power because Generac portable generators can operate within a specified noise level in residential areas by law. The Generac Guardian line generates around 66 decibels at 20 feet, as opposed to 68dB for most central air conditioners. These noises are comparable to 70 dB and 88 dB of a vacuum cleaner and an electric blender, respectively.

Where can I install the Generac Generator?

The generator must place as close as possible to the gas and electric meters. For exhaust gases, the generator must be at least 18 inches away from your home and a safe distance from doors, windows, and air intakes. Additionally, you’ll need permission from any HOAs and be aware of any restrictions imposed by the area.

The service panel, the space around the gas meter or liquid propane tank, and the spot where there is a concrete pad/generator should be clear.

Will Generac Portable Generator power my whole home?

Generac portable generators are so popular for home backup power because they can simply power your entire home. Your generator won’t waste energy running unnecessary electronics.

Additionally, Generac portable generator has a function known as “load shedding”. This function allows some appliances to shut off when others are in use. When the system is using too much power, you get to pick the order in which devices need power. You can, for instance, design it such that the television turns off when you need to use the microwave, or whatever works best for you and your home.

How much will my Generac Portable Generator cost?

A backup Generac’s pricing varies depending on its kilowatts and product line. While 22kW and 24kW models start at about $5,000, 7.5kW models are available for around $2,000 or so.

It’s also important to keep in mind that some of the costs simply include the generator. Additionally, others include the transfer switch and installation costs. Every installation will differ since every home is different. The placement, the materials, your residence, etc. will all affect the average installation cost. For a thorough and accurate price estimate, contact the best solar installer for a free in-home evaluation.

Your fuel choice (liquid propane or natural gas) and the number of appliances will have an impact on the cost of operating your Generac portable generator.

Overall, with a Generac portable generator, you can quickly and simply supply power from your portable generator to your home’s electrical panel during a power outage. After installation, the manual transfer switch reduces the need to safely power hard-wired appliances like your furnace or well pump while also eliminating the need to run multiple wires through open windows and doors.

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