Sun Number Score: Measuring the Suitability of your Home for Solar Panels
The concept of harnessing the power of the sun to generate electrical power is skyrocketing these days. The reason for the popularity of solar panel systems is their sustainable and cost-effective nature. But how to find out if your house is suitable for solar panel installation or not? This procedure is easy as eating a lemon meringue pie. To find out the suitability of your home regarding solar panels, you just need to know about your House’s Sun Number Score. What is this number you may ask? The Sun Number Score is a tool for evaluating the potential of a home for solar panel installation.

Solar PV modules rely on the amount of sunlight a home receives to generate solar electrical power. And the Sun Number Score can provide insight into the potential for optimal solar energy production at a specific location. The term Sun Number Score is curated by the company “Sun Number”. The main objective of this company was to increase solar energy production through a mechanism of “Scoring System”.
What are solar numbers?
Solar Numbers are the numbers that show the solar power production potential of your home. Sun numbers usually range from zero to hundred, with zero being the lowest or least potential in regards to solar power production and hundred being the highest. The higher the score of your home on the Solar number scale, the higher will be the property value of your home. Nowadays people are also considering the Solar Number score before buying a home. So, even if you do not want to install solar panel systems on your house, awareness regarding the Solar Number will put an extra card up your sleeves, when it comes to estimating the property value of your house.

How to calculate the sun number score?
Calculation of the Sun Number Score is quite easy. Solar Numbers depend upon four factors if these four factors altogether give a total of eighty or above eighty Sun Number Score. Then you hit the bull’s eyes. Getting a hundred on the Solar Number Score means that your house location is in the perfect spot. But perfection is near impossible in this world. Due to certain climate calamities, the Sun Number Score drops. So, what are the four factors that will help you determine your house’s Sun Rating?
How to calculate the sun number score?
1. Building Score:
Building Score depends upon the area, direction, and slope of your home’s rooftops. The larger the area of your rooftop, the greater there will be space for solar panels installation, and eventually greater will be the solar energy production, Hence, hiking the building score of your home. In the same way, if your rooftop is south or southwest facing then the solar production will be at its peak level. Additionally, your rooftop slope can also help increase your building score. The optimal angle for the rooftop is thirty-five degrees. If the angle is less or more than that then Tilt Brackets will help you adjust the angle of your solar panel systems. Combining all the given factors if your home building score is above fifty, then your house’s solar power production is quite high.
2. Electricity Score:
The average electricity rate in your locality is an essential determinant in the calculation of the Sun Number Score of your house. If in your residential area, the electricity rate is high, then your Solar Number Score will also be high. This is because by installing solar panels, you will be generating cheap solar energy. Hence, rising the savings margin on your electricity bill. Thus, improving your Solar Number Score.
3. Regional Climate Score:
The regional climate around your house plays a vital role in your Sun Number Score. If your house is surrounded by a tree’s canopy means you are dealing with a lot of shaded areas, then your Solar Number Score might take a hit. In similar regards, if your area is hit by climate extremities like hurricanes, blizzards, floods, and overcasts more than other areas then it will reduce your Sun Number Score. But, if your region receives greater numbers of sunny days, it will increase your Solar Number.
4. Solar Cost Score:
Solar cost score basically depends upon the initial installation cost for solar panels. The higher the cost for solar panels, the less will Sun Number Score. Certain states offer solar rebates and solar renewable credits along with the thirty percent federal solar credits. Thus, eventually decreasing the initial solar panel’s installation cost, which will increase the Solar Number. But in some states, the initial cost for solar panel installation is quite high which ended up reducing the Sun Number Score.

What is a good sun number?
Sun number basically ranges from zero to a hundred value. The up you are on the range the better your Sun Number is. Usually, a Sun Number of seventy or above is the best score when it comes to determining the potential for solar power production. However, it does not mean that if you score low on the range, your house is unable to produce solar power. It simply means that the electrical power production will be less as compared to other homes. And in order to maximize solar radiation absorption more complex solar panel systems are required by your home.

How much sunlight does my house get?
An average house in America is exposed to five to six hours of sunlight per day. And on average a house receives fifteen watts of sunlight per square foot in a day. So, a 200-foot house will be receiving 300 watts of sunlight. Since the efficiency rate of modern solar panels is only twelve percent, the solar panel energy production will be 700 watts per square meter of the panel. Therefore, we can say that in a day your house will be receiving fifteen watts of solar energy per square foot. And your solar panel’s number will be according to your household electricity need. Usually, the average house requires 15-18 solar panels.

What do sun numbers mean on Zillow?
The Sun Number of the house means the potential of solar power generation by a certain house. Zillow has started to use the concept of Solar Number Score in order to smooth line the process of calculation of solar power production. According to an estimation, eighty-four million houses now on Zillow have Sun Number Score. Hence helping out millions of homeowners in their journey toward renewable solar energy. Furthermore, the Sun Number Score can also provide insight into the potential challenges that may arise during the installation process. For example, a location with a low Sun Number Score may have obstacles such as trees or buildings blocking sunlight, which can affect the performance of solar panels.
Is my house good for solar?
If your Solar Number Score is above fifty or equal to seventy, then that means your house is perfect for solar panel systems. By understanding the Sun Number Score, individuals can gain insight into the potential for solar panel installation and any potential challenges that may arise during the installation process. This can help in making a more informed decision when considering solar panel installation for a home, and also enable homeowners and business owners to determine the feasibility of solar panel installation and the potential for optimal solar energy production at their location.
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