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A Guide to solar panel mount systems and mounting brands

This article provides information on a solar panel mount system, brands of mounting systems for panels and, adjustment of racking system for maximum solar energy production.

Further, we’ll discuss different types of panel racking, and mounting rails for both rooftop and ground-mount solar systems.

It is becoming easier day by day to buy solar for your home, due to the availability of plenty of reviews comparing solar installers and solar technologies. A combination of racking systems that include mounting rails, panel racking, and module clamps is best for your mounting systems.

Still, it is challenging to find information that would be helpful about mounting systems and solar panel racking in such a competitive market.

A solar panel mount

(solar tracking system) is a racking system that firmly holds your photovoltaic PV module in place.

The racking solutions are available for both types of solar either rooftop or ground-mount solar systems.

Also, A solar panel mount has the ability to tilt the solar in such a way where maximum sunlight can fall on the photovoltaic PV cells resulting in maximum solar energy output. 

The side of the pole mount also makes the panels in the south direction. South direction has maximum sunlight round the year so, it ensures maximum solar energy output.

A solar panel mount uses to attach photovoltaic systems to the metal roof or not, ground, or another area of your property.

With proper installation, a well-built solar panel mount would protect your panels during harsh weather conditions thus your solar panel works efficiently. It also ensures that these weather conditions would not damage your home solar and would not affect solar energy output. 

As, A solar panel mount is necessary for your home solar system. There are many varieties of racking solution options available in the market. Your solar installer will guide you the best about which type of panel mount best suits your place.

Let’s discuss PV mounting solutions. There are the top three solar panel mount brands. After that, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of ground-mounted systems versus rooftop solar systems.

Solar panel racking & mounting:

Main Components of Solar Panels Mounts:

The three main components of solar panel racking equipment are:

1: Module Clamps

2: Roof Attachments

3: Mounting Rails

First of All, Module clamps hold the mounting rails drilled in roof attachments. It works efficiently on residential metal roofing too.

For each corner and angle of panels, different types of module clamps are in use. Module clamps usually come in different shapes and sizes to secure roof attachment at every angle.

solar panels

2: Roof Attachments:

Roof Attachments

The point of attachment of the panels to the roof is called roof attachment. The correctness of the angle ensures the maximum solar energy production. 

However, The holes made as a result of drilling are surrounded by a metal or plastic shield. It adjusts between spaces left to prevent water from getting inside the hole, we termed this process “flashing.” Roof attachments are different for different roof types.

For more details and information about installing solar panels on different roof types; please have a look into clay tile roofs, flat surface roofs, and metal roofs

3: Mounting Rails:

Mounting Rails

With the help of module clamps, the roof attachments are attached to mounting rails after drilling.

This framework will support your PV system afterward.

Mounting rails are the most common racking solution because they are suitable for most roof angles. Most solar installers are trained using rail mounting systems.

Other options like rails less mounting systems are also available.

Now we’ll discuss companies that are excellent manufacturers of solar panel mount systems.

These include Ironridge, Unirac, and Quick Mount.

Also, Visit our website for information about solar mounting brands used by our company.

Details of Roof Mount Brands:

The three high quality and efficient solar racking and mounting brands are as follows:

1: Iron ridge

2: Unirac

3: Quick Mount PV

1: Ironridge:

Ironridge is a top-rated company that design and manufacture PV mounting system.

Ironridge makes the panels strong by providing integrated racking and mounting systems, on-demand training, and easily accessible design tools.

Moreover, It works with small and off-grid solar projects in the past. Nowadays, Ironridge is known for its durable XR rail series for roofing systems.

Hence, Ironridge is a great option for both types of mounting systems. These include ground-mounted or flat roofs. SolarSME Inc. has collaboration with Ironridge for solar panel mount.

2: Unirac:

Unirac manufacture and sells solar panel mount systems. These systems include flat roofs and fixed-tilt ground-mount frames.

Unirac solar panel mount systems, on the other hand, contain a variety of different tilts. These different tilt designs make the PV panels independent of the angle of the roof.

Moerover, It ensures maximum solar energy production. Every brand tends to make innovations in its PV mounting kits to meet home solar needs.

SolarSME.Inc has collaborated with Unirac for PV mounting to ensure quality.

Our solar installer team will guide you to the best solar panel mount system that suits your roof and solar.

3: Quick Mount PV:

Quick Mount PV also offers different mounting and racking systems for every type of roof. These include metal roofs to low sloping shingle roofs.

Buying Solar panel mount for the DIY project:

So, If you want to go DIY for your solar panel install, things will become somewhat complicated. It is because you’ll never get a completely constructed solar panel mount system.

You have to buy each part separately and combine them to make a complete mounting system. If you want to go DIY for your solar installation, you must purchase solar panel kits with a racking solution.

Check the Alta website to purchase different types of racking components that will make a complete racking system.

You have to make sure that the size of your mounting system is equal to the size of panels you purchase.

The best way to ensure that your solar installation goes without any default is to work with a licensed solar installer.

Best Ground Mount Systems:

A ground-mount solar system is an arrangement of panels on the ground instead of the roof. The ground-mounted array is installed somewhere on your property, usually in the backyard.

There are three main reasons for installing Home solar on the ground:

When there is not enough space for solar installation on the roof.

If the roof faces the north side then panels cannot be installed on this roof because it is a bad direction for maximum solar energy output.

If you want to optimize the performance of the system.

Solar panels produce maximum solar energy when solar energy systems face the south side of the pole. Your roof may not face the south direction in all cases.

So, the quantity of solar power may differ in all directions. Moreover, your roof may be covered by shades of surrounding buildings and trees. These factors prohibit PV systems to generate electricity at their best.

In such a situation ground mounts can be used that are secured into the ground.

You can also use  ballasted mounts. Ballasted mounts are fixed on the top of the ground and are not secured inside. These are then automatically hold down by the weight of the solar panels.

Ballasted ground mounts are more in demand because they require no drilling process for installation.

Unirac and Ironridge offer the best options for ground mounts as well.

Ironridge Ground Mount Systems:

Ground-mounted solution by Ironridge comes with a 25-year warranty.

They are flexible, long-lasting, and can bear any weather conditions.

The price of this system varies with the increasing size of your solar panels, cost of equipment at the time of purchase.

Unirac Ground Fixed Tilt:

Unirac ground fixed-tilt is a good option for a ground mount solar racking system. It is light in weight and has durability.

This system also has a 25-year warranty. It ensures fast delivery and ease of construction.

A licensed solar installer will suggest to you the ground mount system that will best suit your solar panels and terrain.

Average Solar Panel System and Solar panel mount cost:

The average per watt cost of solar installation ranges between $2.75 and $3.35. So, the total average cost of residential solar panel installation ranges between $18,000 and $20,000 including solar panel mount cost and before applying tax credits and other incentives. The average cost would be different for different KW solar systems. 

It is wise to work with licensed installers. Because it is the best way to determine which kind of solar panel mount will work best for your roof.

So, if you are looking for an expert opinion about solar with solar panel mount systems, then take a further step with SolarSME free solar consultation. Our energy consultants will always be available to help you in this regard.

Sign up now for free solar consultation. Place a call at +1(832)626-2337 for an appointment or get a free quote.

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