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Grid-Tied OR Off-Grid Solar Panel System: Which one is better for Your Home?

Grid-tied and off-grid solar systems are the two main types available for purchase. Grid-tied solar, as the name suggests, refers to a solar panel system that is connected to the electrical grid, whereas off-grid solar relates to a solar energy system that is not tied to the grid. There are many choices to make when installing a solar power system at home. You want to choose wisely because you’re investing a huge amount in your residential solar thinking that it will last for a long time. Let’s clarify one of the most common solar myths in the solar industry: the concept that switching to solar power requires going “off the grid.”

on grid off grid

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Important Points To Remember

  • Grid-tied solar refers to a solar panel system that is connected to the electrical grid, whereas off-grid solar relates to a solar energy system that is not tied to the grid
  • The rising cost of food, fuel, energy, and other requirements has made living “off the grid” more popular recently. 
  • Most people who buy solar panels keep their connections to the grid since doing so gives them access to net metering programs and lets them consume electricity from the grid when their panels aren’t producing enough
  • For the majority of people, a grid-tied solar system is a good solar investment that gives their company, farm, or home stability and dependability.
  • A grid-tied solar system has a shorter payback period and fewer parts that might require replacement in the future.
  •  For some cabins and more remote locations, an off-grid solar system is a good choice

What is a Grid-Tied Solar Energy System?

on grid

Solar power is produced by solar panels in a grid-tied system. When a home needs more power, excess energy is transferred to the utility grid, and the grid is used to import the extra energy. The solar panel system is linked to transfer electricity between the solar panels, the house, and the power grid, and the solar panels are installed at a location with appropriate sun exposure – often on the roof, though other places, such as your backyard, wall mounting, can also work. Grid-tie inverters are essential for grid-tied solar systems. The grid-tie inverter controls the power flow in the residential solar system. It sends energy first to power your home and then exports any extra to the grid.  Also, They do not have any solar power battery storage system. Grid-tied solar systems are hence more affordable and easier to install.

What are the Pros of a grid-tied solar system?

The benefits of grid-tied solar panel systems over other types of solar panel systems are:

Low Cost: It’s good to know that this system doesn’t require a solar battery as solar batteries are still fairly costly. Additionally, because they use less equipment, installers have less work to do, which results in cheaper labor expenses.

Higher Savings: Net metering enables grid-tied systems to sell all excess power to the grid at the full retail rate. It is simple to reduce your monthly energy costs as a result.

Quick Return on Solar Investment: A quick return on investment is achieved by being the most affordable type of solar panel system and having the option to sell extra power to the grid. In the majority of states, grid-tied systems have a solar payback period of three to nine years.

Most Reliable Option: A grid-tied solar system has the lowest potential failure spots because it requires the least amount of equipment.

What are the Cons of a Solar grid-tied solar system?

Just one drawback of a grid-connected system exists. Grid-tied solar systems don’t have battery storage, thus they don’t offer backup power. This is true even if there are power outages throughout the daytime for safety reasons. To avoid transferring power across utility power lines, where employees might be at work, grid-tied solar systems are built to shut off when the grid goes down.

What is an Off Grid-Tied Solar Panel System?

A solar panel system that produces electricity stores it in solar batteries, and functions off the grid is known as an off-grid solar system. These technologies promote off-the-grid living, a way of life focused on sustainability and energy independence. The rising cost of food, fuel, energy, and other requirements has made living “off the grid” more popular recently. Since power prices have risen over the past ten years, more people have started looking for other sources of energy for their homes. Solar power is a reliable source of environmentally friendly energy that you may use to power your house off the grid. However, compared to grid-tied (also known as on-grid) systems, off-grid solar systems need different parts.

What are the Advantages of an Off Grid-Tied Solar Panel System?

An off-grid solar system installation has several advantages:

No High Electric Bills: Your utility never sent you an energy bill if you have an off-grid system.

Power Independence: You will produce 100% of the electricity you use.

No Power Outages: If there is a problem with the power grid, your off-grid system will still function. In case of a blackout, your home will stay lightened up.

Reliable Energy Source in Remote or Rural Areas: Some remote or rural areas are not connected to the power grid. In these situations, electricity is provided by an off-grid system.

What are the Disadvantages of an Off Grid-Tied Solar Panel System?

Higher Price: Off-grid systems have distinct requirements and may cost more than grid-tied systems in the end.

Limited State Permit: It may be contrary to the law to switch off your electricity in some places. Before investing in an off-grid solar system, make sure your home is located in one of these areas.

Less Resistant to Bad Weather: You can consume your stored electricity and lose power if it rains or is gloomy for several days in your location.

Not Qualified for Net Metering Programs: An off-grid system limits you from taking advantage of net metering schemes or using grid power in case your battery storage runs out. Off-grid solar is therefore extremely risky for the majority of consumers.

On-Grid OR Off-Grid Solar Panel System: What are the differences?

One of the first decisions you will need to make if you want to purchase a solar system for your house is whether or not to connect it to the electrical grid. The majority of people who buy solar panels keep their connections to the grid since doing so gives them access to net metering programs and lets them consume electricity from the grid when their panels aren’t producing enough. However, some customers are particularly interested in solar since it might enable them to live independently of the electricity grid. Here are a few ways that solar power systems that are off the grid differ from those that are.

i- How to store electricity?

On-Grid Solar: Although it is not as essential as it would be with an off-grid system, storing electricity in a solar battery is an option for a solar system that stays connected to the grid. Many users of grid-tied systems choose to benefit from net metering programs instead of storing extra electricity in batteries. In exchange for credits on your electricity bill, these enable consumers to supply the power system with surplus energy.
Off-Grid Solar: Off-grid solar systems differ from grid-tied solar systems in that they place a bigger reliance on storing excess electricity. Your solar panels will probably sometimes generate more electricity than you require. Your off-grid system can use a solar battery to store that electricity during these times. For off-grid systems, solar storage is essential because it will be your sole source of power when your solar panels aren’t producing enough electricity, such as at night or when it’s cloudy outdoors.

ii- How do you access electricity? 

On-Grid Solar: Unless there is a power outage, you will always be able to access electricity from the grid if you keep your solar system connected to it. Because of this, grid-tied systems are more dependable when solar panels are not producing enough energy and do not require a solar battery.

Off-Grid Solar: With an off-grid solar system, you will only have access to electricity when your solar panels are producing energy or when you are using solar batteries to store energy. In the evening or when it is cloudy, your system will produce less energy. For off-grid solutions, solar batteries are important because of this. Compared to consumers who have grid-tied systems, you will depend on your battery-stored electricity far more.

 iii- How do you pay for power?

On-Grid Solar: Even if your grid-tied solar system generates all of the energy required for your home, you will still receive an electricity bill if you have one. A service or delivery fee is one of the costs that utility providers will continue to bill you for to keep your house connected to the power system.

Off-Grid Solar: You won’t get an electricity bill from your utility if your solar system is fully off the grid. This is a major benefit of off-grid solar and one of the most attractive features for customers thinking about off-grid installations.

iv- How do power outages affect the system?

On-Grid Solar: Although there are many benefits to a grid-tied system, one of the major flaws is that when your solar system is connected to the grid, power outages may affect your ability to generate electricity. A grid-tied solar system won’t be able to generate electricity during an outage unless a battery backup system is set up.

Off-Grid Solar: An off-grid solar system won’t be impacted by power outages that affect the electricity grid because it is independent. If you have enough energy stored, you can still use solar batteries to draw power even when bad weather may reduce the amount of energy your solar system produces.

On-Grid OR Off-Grid Solar Panel System: Which one is better?

For the majority of people, a grid-tied solar system is a good solar investment that gives their company, farm, or home stability and dependability. A grid-tied solar system has a shorter payback period and fewer parts that might require replacement in the future. For some cabins and more remote locations, an off-grid solar system is a good choice, however, at the moment, off-grid systems have a hard time matching the payback and ROI of a grid-tied system.
A good solar panel installer can help you to identify which type of solar energy system is suitable for your place. Visit “Solar SME Service” to get more information about Solar-SME Installation Services. We promise to provide you with the best service and product we can do. If you have some questions in mind, you can give us a call at 214-556-8288. Our energy experts will help you out with their assistance