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Its Time for Clean Energy Investment: American Energy Deal

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What ratio of the community voters supported the Clean Energy Investment?

A large number of American Voters voted for the historic clean energy policies from the House of Representatives. As, the electricity prices rose to approximately 12%, and consumer confidence declined by more than 15%. The war between Russia and Ukraine impose a threat on energy security. It results in adverse climatic impacts ranging from floods to heat waves which affect the nationwide.

On the other hand, if a large number of voters voted for this deal. There are a lot of challenges in the investments in an equitable clean energy economy would arise. There is a need of a solution to deal with this challenge so that a cleaner and cheap energy production can take place in America.

What is ITC?

ITC – Investment Tax Credit is undoubtedly one of the most influential solar policies in the United States. There is a large growth observed in the Solar Industry since 2006. As the industry has employed 230,000 Americans and generates a good investment for the private sector. If the deal is still at this point without any decision. This will put a limitation on the job growth. Moreover, this will ultimately limit the investment of the private sector.

SEIA’s Efforts regarding #AmericanEnergyDeal:

Those policies that increase financing flexibility also supported by Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). Every deal is completed with the consent of Domestic Solar Manufacturing. There are billions of dollars in policies that are in line for their approval.

It was also decided that the SEMA which is championed by Sen. Jon Oss off (D-Ga). This would assist the solar industry in reaching its target goal which is an annual domestic production capacity of 50 Gigawatts by the year 2030.

The Congress members should know what they can do to bring a sustainable way of living. It’s the right time to complete the #AmericanEnergyDeal. Join this effort from SEIA’s for #AmericanEnergyDeal by signing the letter to Congress which is for an immediate action.

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