Frequently Asked Questions

While making a decision to go solar, there are so many questions that come to mind. Here are some of the frequently asked questions that we have shortlisted the correct answers for:

The frequently asked questions about installing a solar by yourself is however a major risk. One can install solar himself to save cost; however, there are some major risks of DIY solar. If you dare to spend 2-3 days in installation while keeping in mind the fact of extra cost against improperly installed solar e.g., you may not be able to identify the right position of solar panels to get maximum benefit or cannot estimate if your roof is appropriate to hold solar panels weight.
A technician has a valid license, ensuring that they would have strategies in place to compensate for the loss if something would happen during the process, so it is better to go with professional experts for solar installation.

Ideally, Solar SME Inc. takes 8-12 weeks for the whole process from agreement to the installation of panels. The installation itself takes only a day or two at solar SME Inc.
Once the installation is done the utility will install a net meter and permit you to turn on your system on the spot.
Solar panels need relatively little maintenance because there are no moving components. There are not a lot of risks involved with maintaining them until you have paid the initial cost of installation for panels. You must check the panels for dust or any other items that may have collected on top a couple of times annually. Cleaning your solar panels is vital so nothing could stop them from efficiently absorbing sunlight.

At Solar SME you will get convenient services from agreement to installation in the quickest manner.

  • Sign the Agreement:  Review and sign agreement paperwork to get the process started.
  • Finalize System Design: We will perform a site visit to ensure that all of the equipment can be installed and start the permitting process.
  • Install the System: We will schedule an installation date once the utility permits us to install the system.
  • Inspection: We will request for inspection from the city. Once that is complete the utility will install a net meter and permit you to turn on your system.
  • System Operational: Flip the switch to turn your system on and start generating clean renewable energy on your roof.
  • When they are hot, prevent watering solar panels with cold water because it could harm them.
  • Debris will damage the panels and reduce the number of generated electricity. Keep the trees surrounding your house maintained so that your roof stays prevented from branches or other dirt. 
  • Bad weather, especially storms, also leads to serious damage.

Although solar panels are quite durable, even more than the roof they are sitting on, in severe hailstorms damage will occur. Hail damage to solar panels can be covered in insurance as well.

The value of your home will rise as a result of solar panel installation. Yet, after the installation of new solar panels, users would not pay any extra property tax.
You’re not going to stop using electricity anytime soon. But you be smarter, go solar, and choose how much you’re going to spend. Electric rates keep going up. so instead of paying more every year, lock in your rate now pay a lot less to power your home or business
Solar panels absorb the energy of the sun during the day and transform it into electricity with direct current. Most households and businesses run on electricity from alternating current, so DC electricity is then passed through an inverter to convert it into usable AC power. Either you use the electricity in your house at that point or you send it back to the electric grid.
Net metering is a billing mechanism which credits owners of solar power systems for the electricity they add to the grid. It helps you to sell the surplus power for even lower energy bills to the utilities. Using solar energy, a reduced electricity bill is attained with net energy metering as it offsets the units consumed by the consumer from the grid.
Solar panels can last from 25 to 30 years or sometimes even more, but they require proper caring and maintenance along the way.
Home solar battery units last between 5 and 15 years, everywhere. If you decide to install a solar battery today, it’s almost certain that in the future you’ll need a replacement to match the lifespan of your solar system for 20 to 30 years. Customers who lease solar panel systems cannot claim the federal tax credit, but the benefits are passed to them from the system’s owner and installer, in the form of much lower monthly payments.
For instructions on how to approve your system, please contact your local AHJ, the office that oversees new construction in your area. This is typically the planning department of your local town or county. You will also need to contact your utility provider to sign an interconnection agreement which will allow you to link your system to the grid. There are even more benefits for commercial customers, including additional incentives from state and local governments for most businesses that decide to go solar – including accelerated depreciation, tax credits, and rebates. This is the best time look at solar and the long-term benefits it can have for your company.”
If you live in an area with high energy levels and an acceptable solar rating and can afford the initial cost, it is worth installing solar panels in your home while the 26% tax break is in place — for both the good of the environment and your wallet.
In case you overproduce, on-grid systems submit excess power generated to the utility grid. These are the simplest and most cost-efficient systems to install. Off grid systems enable you to store and save your solar power for use in batteries when the power grid is down. It is intended to be fully self-sustaining.
To build an off grid solar system, you first need to calculate the load of your energy needs. Make a list of all the appliances to run and define how many hours they will depend on solar energy. Then test every appliance’s specification chart on the list to find out its power rating. Make sure your appliances always have power. Going off grid with a solar energy system will include battery storage and might cost significantly more.
The installation of solar panels will increase your home’s market value by at least the system costs. When you decide to sell, every $1 of savings generated from a solar energy system will add $20 to the market value of your home. A solar energy system will help you sell your home 20 percent faster than residences without solar panels, not only will you realize an increase in your home’s value.
The federal solar tax credit allows you to deduct from your federal taxes 26 per cent of the cost of installing a solar power system. You are eligible for the solar investment tax credit if you own your solar energy system. Even if you do not have enough tax liability to claim the entire credit in one year, for as long as the tax credit is in effect, you can defeat the remaining credits into future years.
If you can’t buy your device right away, there are a few choices for going solar with lower upfront costs that include personal loan, solar lease and solar ppa.
All these solutions minimize your monthly energy costs and effect on the environment, but the terms and conditions are different for each form of arrangement. By comparing the solar loans, leases and solar PPA on Solar SME, you can decide which one is right for you.

If you sell a home with a leased solar panel system on the roof, there are options besides canceling the leasing arrangement: you might be able to transfer the lease to the new tenant, buy the remaining lease and remove the system, or buy the market value solar panel system and keep it on your roof.

Solar panels do not produce energy at night as photovoltaic cells need direct sunlight to generate electricity. However, you will continue to benefit from energy production after sunset by net metering and solar storage battery. Electrical grid connection with net metering and solar battery storage both enable your solar power system to supply electricity when your solar panels are in active.

DIY Solar is the idea of building your own Solar Panel System They refer to solar system kits that ship from a warehouse directly to your doorstep. You are responsible for the installation – either by constructing it yourself or by recruiting assistance from a local contractor.